Ten Native American Commandments

Friday, October 12, 2018

Heyvazealia teacher of Belly-dance video clip

Heyvazealia Teacher of Belly-Dance Keyaboga from Ahgamen Keyboa on Vimeo.
Heyvazealia is a master at the Oriental Belly-dance. She offers classes. What she teaches is a synthesis of Belly-dance with other disciplines, yoga, taichi, etc. Heyvazealia teaches Keyaboga. Developed for decades and now unveiled.
link is https://vimeo.com/keyboa/bellydance1

Heyvazealia video clip

Here's Heyvazealia like a virtual fractal.  She's inside a giant Kaleidoscope!

Heyvazealia inside Kaleidoscope from Ahgamen Keyboa on Vimeo.
Heyvazealia is seen in multiple fractal images when she gets inside the Kaleidoscope. That is surreal. It is a fractal cosmos.